
My inner voice is coated in white noise

It shouldn't have taken me this long to put some writing on the website, or just anything on the website really. Even whilst writing this, there will be time in-between me finishing this and posting it on the website. As the title suggests, there's a lot going on in my head and a lot going on in my life, which isn't helped by my irritatingly consistent over-compilification of simple issues. Simple issues made complicated. Too many people talk about useless opinions of unimportant non-issues in this timeline, and I'm just the self-congratulatory teenager whose inner voice is corrupt. Corrupt not morally, but corrupt in the way an old game cartridge might be. I don't usually talk like this, nor write like this, but that's how I feel like writing today. So, why am I writing?

I'm writing to express myself, and it's as simple as that really.

Inner voices are currently a hot topic issue, although it could be said that this has featured in society all the way back to when humans evolved from apes. Not a historian though, but I assume when we could properly communicate with each either, we would mention whether anything is going on up there, and all the usual philosophical noise (noise I appreciate the importance of, but noise that I wish wasn't there). I imagine that inner thoughts have been an issue for humanity since it's creation, and now it's being made into a subject in which to mock people who seem to lack it. It has recently re-merged and popularized by the term NPCs, but sheeple and other terms have been used. It's surprising that people who believe themselves to be more intelligent and understanding of society to focus so much on people they believe to be lower and mock them, rather than help them. I think I'm taking a joke too seriously, but I care about my inner voice, and I dislike all this NPC talk. I'm not particularly into mainstream culture, but nor am I into being this anarchistic against-the-system joker. It's one of the many things in life that I stand in this in-between state of hate and love (don't get me started on the marmite analogy) which makes me unable to enjoy or ignore something. I don't like Game of Thrones and I'm not into Star Wars, but I'm also not into bashing these thing as giving it attention isn't going to make it going away, and pointless thoughts like this fill up my mind quickly.

I'm still glad to have an inner voice. Still glad that I can entertain myself sometimes with just a silly thought. My inner voice helped me to write this and my inner voice guides my life, possibly soul, into a state of better being. It's just hard to keep my inner voice in check as even my friends and family make my inner voice muddled, and people who might as well be strangers or actual strangers muddle my mind more. Sometimes I have to silence my mind, and maybe I should have stopped myself from even writing thi*shhhhhhhhhh*. My mental flow has ground to a halt, so I'll finish this off now. I don't want to come off as pretentious or too high on my horse. I hope you got something out of this, as I have, and you'll obviously get something different to my experience of writing this. Taking my fingers off the keyboard now.

From whence you came